Thursday, June 26, 2014


Open invitation
Climate change is a global issue arousing wide concern in the international community and one of the greatest challenges that humanity faces in the 21st century. As an issue not just of environment sustainability but also of development, climate change needs to be responded to within the context of development, and it needs immediate and innovative actions by the international community if we are to establish a “low-carbon society”.
Also we observe, Domestic violence in Nigeria is a problem as in many parts of Africa with an unacceptable deep cultural belief in Nigeria that it is socially satisfactory to hit a woman to discipline a spouse. Because we understand Domestic violence is widespread and shows no sense sign of lessening in Nigeria, as UN reports says domestic violence in the past 3 years has risen from 1 percent in 2011 to 40 percent in 2014, this year’s forum intends to have a blend of Climate Change and Domestic Violence, to address this troubling index.
The 2014 LWTZE forum on climate change and domestic violence, reflects the core values of 2014 World Economic and advance the objectives of United Nations Industrial Development (UNIDO), the International Energy Conservation Environment Protection Agency (IEEPA), along with International Agencies on Environmental Protection. With “Domestic Violence and Climate Change: A Concealed Analogy as its topic, the aim of the forum is to help find a balance between economic and environmental priorities. With low-carbon development and awareness against domestic violence as the guiding light, the forum aspires to help consensus-building among Government Officials, Experts and Scholars, Enterprise Leaders and International Organizations, and have a wider impact though reporting in the Print, Electronic and Social Media.
Traditionally, Domestic Violence is committed against females Common forms of violence against women in Nigeria are Rape, Acid Attacks, Molestation, Wife Beating and Corporate Punishment. As the Nigerian Government has taken legal proceeding to prosecute men who abuse their women in several states and current push emerge in Nigeria for federal laws concerning dom domestic violence, It is also hoped that the result of the forum can be useful to help Government form better policies on Environmental Protection and Fight against Domestic Violence in any form (including Physical, Sexual, Emotional and Mental).
Through expected robust brainstorming session, Lady with the Zoom Effect INC LWTZE, hope to create opportunities and challenges of low carbon development, the potential strategies for the development of key emerging industries, low carbon city construction, trends on the development of advanced energy technologies, opportunities for enterprises in the Nigeria’s response to climate change, policies to promote innovation in advance energy technologies, development of new-energy enterprises and so on.
On Friday, July 25th at Terra Kulture TIME:2PM Prompt, Victoria island, Lagos, the forum shall be built around two round-table meetings with “Domestic Violence And Climate Change: A Concealed Analogy.” at diverse session of discussions. I am glad to invite you to attend this forum, and look forward to your active support and participation.
Director, Lady with the Zoom Effect effect concept

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